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How to Survive High School

It is difficult to some up high school in one blog post. I've learned a thing or two about surviving your first years as a high schooler. Here we have 5 ways to survive:

#1 Find that one person you can count on.

It's fine to have millions of friends, and its fine to have 1. You may not find your life long best friend in high school and that is totally fine, but things are a lot easier when you have someone going through the same stuff with you.

#2 Join in

I myself am not a huge athletics person, but joining clubs and sports really made my high school year even better. I joined theatre where I made millions of upper class man friends. I also joined track, civics, service club, yearbook and more. This variety of clubs and sports introduced me to a bunch of different people with completely different personalities and interests.

#3 Be confident

Ok I know this is not an original idea, but it is so easy to walk around the halls and figure out everything you are self-conscious about that day. Don't be overly confident and walk around like you run the school, but don't be so scared that people are always judging you.

#4 Grades only take you so far

I am a pretty good student. I take all honors and manage a GPA around 98, but if you worry too much about grades you will be driven crazy. I know kids that worry so much about grades that they cry over an A-. I've noticed that this drives their friends away because it makes them feel bad about their B+. Be conscious about how you are doing in school, set goals and don't let others put you down.

#5 Just follow the rules

I know we all go through those rebellious phases BUT PLEASE JUST FOLLOW THE RULES. If there is an absurd rule thats fine if you want to question it, but it is important to remember it is a learning environment and you are just making it harder for yourself. Just get through the day and rebel on your own time please and thank you (:

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